Psychological reasons and solutions of mental stress

Once again I, Rajendra welcome you at the blog of positivity spreading group Samprabha . As we all know that psychological factors include interest, needs and motives. That's why we can say that the factors responsible for mental stress are same as mentioned above. Now we will discuss the core reasons of mental stress with solutions. 1)Need vs Availablity A person having balanced and instructed needs usually doesn't become the victim of mental stress. Because with fulfilling his/her requirements,his/her motivation level and work strength increases gradually. That's why if we want to free from mental stress then we should use our energy in integrated form. 2)Instant incidents If anyone suppose to fix this situations of daily life then it is a vain effort. A person should be always prepared to face the problems besides situational inertia and he or she should use related adjustment tools. For example if anyone loses his or her family member then it is natural to become s...